First compilation date
Date site proposed as SCI
Date site confirmed as SCI
Date site designated as SAC
National legal reference of SAC designation
Law 3937/29-3-11 (OJ 60 A)



The ecological quality of the area derives from the following elements:1) the plenitude of habitat types2) the large number of endemics and local endemics of the especially rich flora3) the presence of important orchid sites4) the presence of fauna species protected by international conventions5) the Byzantine site of Lissos representing the cultural element of the siteOTHER IMPORTANT SPECIES WITH MOTIVATION D:Invertebrates: Erinaceus concolor nesiotes is protected by the Greek Law (Presidential Decree 67/1981).Plants: Lamyropsis cynaroides is considered rare in Greece and Europe (IUCN Red Data List) while Ranunculus creticus is considered rare in Greece, Europe and the world (IUCN Red Data List).NOTE: Rhinolophus ferrumequinum ssp. creticum included in section 3.2.c. as Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum, is a subspecies endemic to Crete.

Other characteristics

The site is located at the southern coast of western Crete from where it extends towards the interior for up to 6 km. In the west, the stream Dihalomata stretches from the coastline up to the village of Anydroi where it meets the road. The latter continues further towards the north thus comprising the western border of the site. In the east, the limit is once again the road that starts from the village of Sougia and continues northwards. Finally, the stream Kamariano and the sea constitute the natural borders of the site on the north and on the south, respectively. The marine component of the site, in the Libyan Sea, includes reefs and extended underwater meadows of Posidonia oceanica. Except for two small areas on the eastern and western ends where the beach is sandy, the rest of the extended coast consists of rocks and steep cliffs; a natural refuge for many rare and endemic flora species. The presence of marine caves in this coastal zone is also characteristic. Pinus brutia woods and Juniperus phoenicea arborescent matorral are found in the inner zone together with an evergreen sclerophyllous scrub dominated by Ceratonia siliqua and Olea europaea. There is also a part with homogeneous vegetation of tall Erica manipuliflora, usually on dry soils on slopes (a habitat type not included in Annex I). The site includes a fair number of springs, streams and gorge-beds with characteristic vegetation. Platanus orientalis forms narrow galleries and small groves along watercourses and by springs, frequently with an undergrowth of the exotic-looking shrub Nerium oleander. The shrubby Vitex agnus-castus is similarly hygrophilous, occuring along the banks of streams, usually close to the sea. The inland rocks, mobile screes and limestone pavements are another important element of the landscape. Physical features such as very steep slopes of smooth rock, calcareous rocky debris, ledges and fine crevices combined with the harsh climatic conditions contribute to the refuge status and the high level of relict endemism in these habitats. Finally, on small patches of bare ground or in the understorey of P. brutia stands and olive groves numerous geophytes find a niche, including several endemic orchids.


1) [3.2.d., 3.3.]

1) Chondropoulos B.P. 1989. A checklist of Greek reptiles. II. The snakes. Herpetozoa 2(1/2): 3-36.

[3.3., 4.3.]

2) Ministry of Environment Physical Planning and Public Works. 1990. (Work Team: A. Legakis et al). Erevnitiko programma. Meleti ton akton tis kritis pou parousiazoun oikologikes diatarahes (Research Programme. Study of the coasts of Kriti that present ecological disturbances). Dept. of Biology. University of Crete, p. 228.

[3.2.g., 3.3.]

3) Turland N.J., L. Chilton and J.R. Press. 1993. Flora of the Cretan Area. Annotated Checklist & Atlas. The Natural History Museum, London, p.439.

[3.2.d., 3.3.]

4) Wettstein O.v. 1953. Herpetologia aegaea. Sitz.-ber. Oesterr. Akad. Wiss. Wien 162: 651-833.


5) Zoological Museum, Department of Biology, University of Athens. 1995. Apeiloumena, prostatevomena kai endimika eidi zoon tis Elladas (Threatened, protected and endemic animal species of Greece). A. Legakis (ed). Athens, p.35.

6) Helelnic Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk Seal (HSSPMS). 1995. Information and rescue network in Greece. (3.2.c)

7) Helelnic Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk Seal (HSSPMS). 1994. Continuation of establishment of a rescue network for orphan, wounded and sick seals and gathering of seal observations from the whole Greece. Function of the seal treatment and rehabilitation center in Alonnisos. Final Report. EU Contract No 4-3010 (92)7829, p 112. (3.2.c)

8) Georghiou K. 1995. Checklist of Endemic, Rare and Threatened Plants of Greece. Draft. University of Athens. (3.3, 3.4, 4.2) 9) Martens J. 1967: Plecotus austriacus (Fischer) auf Kreta; mit Bemerkungen zu weiteren Arten (Mammalia, Chiroptera)o Bonn. Aiil. Beitro 18: 253-2570

Reference: Natura 2000 data form, database release 7 Feb 2014